Artist Statement

Outside of family and friends, my passion is underwater photography. I’m driven by the opportunity to capture strong visual moments in and around the underwater world. For me this requires a combination of artistic composition and technical application. The marriage of these elements is what I believe leads to the creation of appealing photographic fine art.
Only a small percentage of the population have the SCUBA training necessary to view what lives beneath the waves. And of course we live on land, not underwater. This leads to two thirds of our planet being forgotten, or worse, taken for granted. My work aims to drive my audience to admire and appreciate the majesty of the oceans. I hope this in turn will generate curiosity and emotion that leads the audience to recognize the importance of healthy oceans. Every additional person that sets upon that path helps grow the wave of understanding and influence we need to restore our oceans to good health.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy it.